PHP CURL并发请求测试





GitHub项目 jmathai/php-multi-curl



composer require jmathai/php-multi-curl:dev-master -v


Basic usage can be done using the addUrl($url/*, $options*/) method. This calls GET $url by passing in $options as the parameters.

  // Include Composer's autoload file if not already included.
  require '../vendor/autoload.php';

  // Instantiate the MultiCurl class.
  $mc = JMathai\PhpMultiCurl\MultiCurl::getInstance();

  // Make a call to a URL.
  $call1 = $mc->addUrl('');
  // Make another call to a URL.
  $call2 = $mc->addUrl('');

  // Access the response for $call2.
  // This blocks until $call2 is complete without waiting for $call1
  echo "Call 2: {$call2->response}\n";

  // Access the response for $call1.
  echo "Call 1: {$call1->response}\n";

  // Output a call sequence diagram to see how the parallel calls performed.
  echo $mc->getSequence()->renderAscii();

This is what the output of that code will look like.

Call 2: consequatur id est
Call 1: in maiores et
( ::  code=200, start=1447701285.5536, end=1447701287.9512, total=2.397534)
( ::  code=200, start=1447701285.5539, end=1447701287.0871, total=1.532997)
[================================================================                                    ]


You'll most likely want to configure your cURL calls for your specific purpose. This includes setting the call's HTTP method, parameters, headers and more. You can use the addCurl($ch) method and configuring your curl handle using any of PHP's curl_* functions.

  $mc = JMathai\PhpMultiCurl\MultiCurl::getInstance();

  // Set up your cURL handle(s).
  $ch = curl_init('');
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);

  // Add your cURL calls and begin non-blocking execution.
  $call = $mc->addCurl($ch);

  // Access response(s) from your cURL calls.
  $code = $call->code;
  • addUrl

    addUrl((string) $url/*, (array) $options*/)

    Makes a GET call to $url by passing the key/value array $options as parameters. This method automatically sets CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER to 1 internally.

    $call = $mc->addUrl('', array('q' => 'github'));
    echo $call->response;
  • addCurl

    addCurl((curl handle) $ch)

    Takes a curl handle $ch and executes it. This method, unlike addUrl, will not add anything to the cURL handle. You'll most likely want to set CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER yourself before passing the handle into addCurl.

    $ch = curl_init('');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PUT');
    $call = $mc->addCurl($ch);
    echo $call->response;


The curl calls begin executing the moment you call addUrl or addCurl. Execution control is returned to your code immediately and blocking for the response does not occur until you access the response or code variables. The library only blocks for the call you're trying to access the response to and will allow longer running calls to continue to execute while returning control back to your code.

通过response 变量,用于获取响应的结果

echo $call->response;

通过code变量,获于HTTP response code

echo $call->code;




Return a string that prints out details of call latency and degree of being called in parallel. This method can be called indirectly through the multi-curl instance you're using.

echo $mc->getSequence()->renderAscii();



// 这是发起请求的测试代码
public function multiCurl()
        $mc = \JMathai\PhpMultiCurl\MultiCurl::getInstance();

        $urls = [
            ['url' => '', 'sleep' => 3],
            ['url' => '', 'sleep' => 2],
            ['url' => '', 'sleep' => 5],
            ['url' => '', 'sleep' => 4],
            ['url' => '', 'sleep' => 7],
            ['url' => '', 'sleep' => 2],
            ['url' => '', 'sleep' => 1],
            ['url' => '', 'sleep' => 0],

        $ch = [];
        $results = [];
        foreach ($urls as $k => $item) {
            $ch[$k] = curl_init($item['url']);
            $header = [
                "HTTP_X_REAL_IP: " . REMOTE_ADDR,
                "appid: demo-test",
                "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
            curl_setopt($ch[$k], CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
            curl_setopt($ch[$k], CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15);
            curl_setopt($ch[$k], CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
            curl_setopt($ch[$k], CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'UTF-8');
            curl_setopt($ch[$k], CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
            curl_setopt($ch[$k], CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
            curl_setopt($ch[$k], CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);
            curl_setopt($ch[$k], CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
            curl_setopt($ch[$k], CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query(['sleep' => $item['sleep']]));
            curl_setopt($ch[$k], CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, TRUE);
            try {
                $call = $mc->addCurl($ch[$k]);
                $results[$k] = $call;
            } catch (Exception $ex) {
                echo "exception:" . $ex->getMessage();
        foreach ($results as $res) {
            echo $res->code . ' - ' . $res->response;
            echo "<br>";
            file_put_contents('./curl.log', $res->code . '-' . $res->response . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
        echo $mc->getSequence()->renderAscii();

http://blog.ifsvc.cn是我一个本地测试地址IP:, test-curl接收请求的方法如下:

public function curl()
        $time = $_POST['sleep'] ?? 0;
        echo "sleep-" . $time;





200 - sleep-3
200 - sleep-2
200 - sleep-5
200 - sleep-4
200 - sleep-7
200 - sleep-2
200 - sleep-1
200 - sleep-0
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3246, end=1563851180.3357, total=3.010959) [================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3248, end=1563851179.3356, total=2.010706) [======================= ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3249, end=1563851182.5743, total=5.249378) [=========================================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.325, end=1563851182.5733, total=5.248249) [=========================================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3251, end=1563851186.3399, total=9.014747) [====================================================================================================] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3251, end=1563851182.3411, total=5.015868) [======================================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3253, end=1563851183.3453, total=6.019901) [=================================================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3254, end=1563851182.578, total=5.25248) [=========================================================== ]


200 - sleep-3
200 - sleep-2
200 - sleep-5
200 - sleep-4
200 - sleep-7
200 - sleep-2
200 - sleep-1
200 - sleep-0
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3246, end=1563851180.3357, total=3.010959) [================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3248, end=1563851179.3356, total=2.010706) [======================= ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3249, end=1563851182.5743, total=5.249378) [=========================================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.325, end=1563851182.5733, total=5.248249) [=========================================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3251, end=1563851186.3399, total=9.014747) [====================================================================================================] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3251, end=1563851182.3411, total=5.015868) [======================================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3253, end=1563851183.3453, total=6.019901) [=================================================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3254, end=1563851182.578, total=5.25248) [=========================================================== ]


200 - sleep-3
200 - sleep-2
200 - sleep-5
200 - sleep-4
200 - sleep-7
200 - sleep-2
200 - sleep-1
200 - sleep-0
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3246, end=1563851180.3357, total=3.010959) [================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3248, end=1563851179.3356, total=2.010706) [======================= ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3249, end=1563851182.5743, total=5.249378) [=========================================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.325, end=1563851182.5733, total=5.248249) [=========================================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3251, end=1563851186.3399, total=9.014747) [====================================================================================================] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3251, end=1563851182.3411, total=5.015868) [======================================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3253, end=1563851183.3453, total=6.019901) [=================================================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3254, end=1563851182.578, total=5.25248) [=========================================================== ]


200 - sleep-3
200 - sleep-2
200 - sleep-5
200 - sleep-4
200 - sleep-7
200 - sleep-2
200 - sleep-1
200 - sleep-0
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3246, end=1563851180.3357, total=3.010959) [================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3248, end=1563851179.3356, total=2.010706) [======================= ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3249, end=1563851182.5743, total=5.249378) [=========================================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.325, end=1563851182.5733, total=5.248249) [=========================================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3251, end=1563851186.3399, total=9.014747) [====================================================================================================] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3251, end=1563851182.3411, total=5.015868) [======================================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3253, end=1563851183.3453, total=6.019901) [=================================================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851177.3254, end=1563851182.578, total=5.25248) [=========================================================== ]

可以看出,所有请求都是在 1563851177 同一秒发出的,所有请求执行完毕,流览器的调试器中显示网络请求响应时间是9.02s。但是,我上面设置的最长延时是7s

再看一下上面的记录,发现从第五个请求开始,响应时间就比预期的慢了不少;第5个请求设置的sleep 7s,而实际响应时间是9.01s; 第6个请求设置的是sleep 2s,实际响应时间却是5.01s,第8个请求设置的 sleep 1s, 实际响应时间是 6.01s; 最后一个请求sleep 0s,实际响应时间是5.25s。


; The number of child processes to be created when pm is set to 'static' and the
; maximum number of child processes when pm is set to 'dynamic' or 'ondemand'.
; This value sets the limit on the number of simultaneous requests that will be
; served. Equivalent to the ApacheMaxClients directive with mpm_prefork.
; Equivalent to the PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN environment variable in the original PHP
; CGI. The below defaults are based on a server without much resources. Don't
; forget to tweak pm.* to fit your needs.
; Note: Used when pm is set to 'static', 'dynamic' or 'ondemand'
; Note: This value is mandatory.
pm.max_children = 5

; The number of child processes created on startup.
; Note: Used only when pm is set to 'dynamic'
; Default Value: min_spare_servers + (max_spare_servers - min_spare_servers) / 2
pm.start_servers = 2

; The desired minimum number of idle server processes.
; Note: Used only when pm is set to 'dynamic'
; Note: Mandatory when pm is set to 'dynamic'
pm.min_spare_servers = 1

把上面的pm.max_children = 5 改成 10。然后重启一下php-fpm


200 - sleep-3
200 - sleep-2
200 - sleep-5
200 - sleep-4
200 - sleep-7
200 - sleep-2
200 - sleep-1
200 - sleep-0
( :: code=200, start=1563851974.6269, end=1563851980.1373, total=5.510375) [========================================================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851974.6272, end=1563851979.1369, total=4.509555) [============================================================= ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851974.6273, end=1563851982.1385, total=7.51101) [====================================================================================================] 
( :: code=200, start=1563851974.6275, end=1563851982.1357, total=7.508174) [====================================================================================================]
( :: code=200, start=1563851974.6276, end=1563851981.6903, total=7.062679) [=============================================================================================== ]
( :: code=200, start=1563851974.6277, end=1563851977.1329, total=2.504916) [================================== ]
( :: code=200, start=1563851974.6278, end=1563851977.133, total=2.504974) [================================== ]
( :: code=200, start=1563851974.628, end=1563851977.1353, total=2.507141) [================================== ]


接下来需要测试一下超时的情况,我把curl的timeout 设置为 5s,看一下浏览器的输出结果

200 - sleep-3
200 - sleep-2
0 - 
0 - 
0 - 
200 - sleep-2
200 - sleep-1
200 - sleep-0
( :: code=200, start=1563860527.6287, end=1563860531.2911, total=3.662377) [========================================================================== ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563860527.6288, end=1563860530.6222, total=2.993253) [============================================================ ] 
( :: code=0, start=1563860527.6289, end=1563860532.6281, total=4.999043) [====================================================================================================] 
( :: code=0, start=1563860527.629, end=1563860532.6285, total=4.999378) [====================================================================================================] 
( :: code=0, start=1563860527.6291, end=1563860532.6286, total=4.999308) [====================================================================================================] 
( :: code=200, start=1563860527.6292, end=1563860531.6225, total=3.993225) [================================================================================ ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563860527.6293, end=1563860531.6288, total=3.999353) [================================================================================= ] 
( :: code=200, start=1563860527.6295, end=1563860530.6251, total=2.995558) [============================================================ ]

可以看到有3个请求时接接近5s,因为超时直接结算了没有返回结果,获取到的HTTP response code=0. 网络请求时间为 5.56s。